The Power Of Websites For Businesses

It is now standard practice to create a consistent, yet stylised, experience across all platforms. We have created a few key points to highlight the effectiveness of responsive web design.

  • When you provide a “responsive” website it means your customer can easily read and navigate the site. Also, they will generally stay longer and it can help with rankings for your site. Ultimately, the big reason for this type of website design is to save visitors from unnecessary resizing and scrolling.
  • With the average person using a combination of 3 different screens per day, it is important to optimise your website to benefit this. Smartphones are the most common starting point for an online activity, with a desktop being used for more complex tasks and a tablet for shopping/trip planning.
  • A responsive website also means lower maintenance needs, which in turn means more time can be spent on sales and marketing. A “one size fits all” design also means less of a headache for business owners and customers.
  • A fully optimised responsive site will also provide a much better experience for a visitor. This means that they will be more likely to stay longer on your website and may increase sales. Having a single secure website that looks professional on all platforms makes users less likely to get frustrated or turn to a competitor.
  • Responsive web design is becoming as important to search engine optimisation as quality content. Stronger backlinks and higher bounce rates translate into higher search rankings. Having a single responsive website rather than separate desktop and mobile versions avoids the issue of duplicate content, which can negatively impact your search ranking.

Our multi-screen websites are unique. We build in high powered features to meet the specific needs of your business and customers. Everyone wants a personalized experience and we can deliver just that using technology that has traditionally been reserved for enterprise-level companies like Amazon, we’ll set up a custom experience for your customers based on their physical location, time of day, number of previous visits to the site and more. Visit our website

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